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Google Developers

Google Developers Expert

Hello My name is Linda Lawton in March 2014 I became one of the first Google Developers experts for Google Analytics.    I was award this honor for my work here on creating tutorials for accessing the Google Analytics API with C# and PHP.    Also for the amount […]

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Thank you for Commenting! You just left a comment on, and I’d like to thank you personally for doing that! If you need personal assistance with simple issues you can contact me. I also offer a consulting service, I have a day job so do not take on large […]

Google I/O 2014

What is Google I/O? Google I/O is an annual developer-focused conference held by Google in San Francisco, California.  Google I/O features highly technical, in-depth sessions focused on building web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open web technologies such as Android, Chrome, Chrome OS, Google APIs, Google Web Toolkit, […]

Twitter Analytics

I have recently been taking a closer look at twitter.   I know a lot of people use it but what i have come to see is that a lot of companies use it as well.     This made me start to wonder how if it would be possible […]


How it all started Daimto started in August of 2013 after I noticed a lot of people online having trouble retrieve their data from Google Analytics API. I have been working with Google API’s since 2012, in my current job. When I first started I had a lot of trouble […]